NEPSA 2021: APRIL 23-24
Below are the procedures, and the Code of Conduct, for the virtual
Annual Meeting of the New England Political Science Association
Each panel session has a unique Zoom link and passcode, which admits you to the main room for the session. Within the main room are dedicated breakout rooms for each individual panel.
Please note: because the breakout rooms must be created contemporaneously when each session begins (i.e., they cannot be created in advance), you might not see the breakout rooms when you first enter a session. If you do not see the breakout rooms, please wait a minute or two while they are created.
Once in the main session room, you may join any breakout room at any time; you do not need to be “admitted” to a breakout room. You may exit and re-enter a breakout room at any time; you may also exit one room and enter a different room.
When the breakout rooms list appears in your Zoom application, it should say “join” at the end of each line delineating a breakout room. If you do not see the word “join” but see a number instead … move your cursor over that number and hover it there for a moment; the number will then turn into the word “join.”
Panelists should not count on being able to “run long” by even a couple of minutes; each session will have to be shut down promptly so that the following session can be convened.
Panel chairs should keep in mind that if a presenter is sharing their screen, attempting to alert them to the end of their allotted time by sending a chat message will not work; the message cannot be seen during a screen-share. In such a situation, chairs will have to unmute themselves and state that time is running out.
Please have your full name showing as your screen name.
In order to minimize background noise, please mute your audio during a presentation. You will be able to unmute yourself during Q-and-A to ask a question.
Please make sure that the background to your video feed is professionally appropriate.
All conference attendees are expected to conduct themselves with the same level of civility and professionalism that they would exhibit at an in-person conference.