Donations to the New England Political Science Association serve a number of important purposes:
They allow the Association to add new programs to the Annual Meeting, such as the reception at Touro Synagogue at the 2016 Meeting in Newport, RI.
They enable the Association to offer discounted registration rates for graduate and undergraduate students to attend the Annual Meeting.
They provide a crucial source of funding for NEPSA's annual awards for the best papers presented at the Annual Meeting: the John C. Donovan Prize (faculty), the Robert C. Wood Prize (graduate student), and the Wilson Carey McWilliams Prize (undergraduate).
To donate, please contact the NEPSA Treasurer directly:
Dr. Peter Ubertaccio
Stonehill College
(505) 565-1200
The New England Political Science Association is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Any donations are fully tax-deductible, as permitted by law.