If you are scheduled to present in a breakout room equipped with a projector,
here is some important information about the technology, and about how you
can best prepare to make good use of it.
NEPSA provides a USB cable, but all presenters are strongly advised to bring whatever cables and adapters they might need to connect their particular computer to the projector.
Keep in mind that our projectors and screens are not that big, so a presentation with a lot of small text will probably not be visible. We have found that Arial Black is a font with good projector visibility, especially if the font size is at least 20-points.
Also note that the projectors DO have sound. If you cannot hear anything, check to make sure that your computer's audio is set to the EPSON speakers.
Finally, and very importantly ... once you are in your breakout room, please make absolutely sure that you DO NOT MOVE THE SCREEN OR THE PROJECTOR. They will have been placed carefully to ensure that the audience can see presentations at the maximum size.
When you plug the USB cable into your computer, your machine might "see" the projector ... but it also might need to install a driver first. If that is the case, you will see a pop-up in the lower right corner of your screen (which might reference the projector as a CD-drive). Click on that pop-up, and you should see a dialog box which will ask you if you want to run a program which will install an EPSON driver. Click yes; it should only take a few seconds for your computer to connect.
If you do not see that popup ... go into Windows Explorer, and look for a CD drive (that's how the computer "sees" the projector. Click on the CD drive in your file tree, and you should see an .exe file called "EMP_UDSe" ... double-click on that file to start the process of installing the driver.
Due to one of Mac's privacy settings, you might have an issue getting the projector to see your presentation. If you can see your desktop, but not your presentation, do the following:
Step 1: From your desktop, navigate to System Preferences.
Step 2: Once in System Preferences, click the Security & Privacy icon.
Step 3: Once in, scroll down on the left-hand side to the Screen Recording button. Select it.
Step 4: Once there, you should see the “USB Display Agent” software. If your Apple product is only showing the desktop when projecting, the “USB Display Agent” should appear without a check mark next to it. In order to fix this, select the lock icon in the bottom left corner.
Step 5: If prompted by Apple, put in your credentials.
Step 6: Select the check mark next to “USB Display Agent.” The box next to the “USB Display Agent” icon should be checked.
Step 7: Select the lock icon in the bottom left again to re-lock it.
Your Mac should now project not only the desktop, but what’s on your screen.