How does one become a Member of the New England Political Science Association?
Registering for the annual Spring meeting establishes membership in the Association and the registration fee paid for the annual meeting also constitutes membership dues. Members may vote for all officers and council members and participate in all Association activities. Membership is not restricted to New England; annual meeting participants typically come from across the country and Canada as well.
How is the Association Governed?
The Association is governed by its Executive Council consisting of the President, the next two incoming presidents, the three most recent past presidents, and eight other council members. The President of the Association presides over the Association and the Council, and has overall responsibility for the annual Spring meeting that takes place as his/her term of office ends. There is a Secretary-Treasurer, appointed by the President with the approval of the Council, normally serving on a continuing basis as a non-voting Council member with responsibility for administering the financial affairs of the Association and reporting to the membership and to the Council on the state of finances, which are normally reviewed annually by at least one other designated member. The Council may invite a member of the governing bodies of the APSA or other appropriate academic organizations to sit in without a vote at an Executive Council meeting; may change prevailing arrangements if its proposed changes are submitted to the members at least two months prior to the annual meeting and approved by a majority at that meeting (changes may also be proposed by a majority at the annual meeting and adopted by a majority at the next succeeding annual meeting); and may designate honorary memberships in the Association.
How is the Council chosen?
At the Association’s annual meeting, the Council elects the person who will succeed to the presidency two years later. The office of President is held for a one-year non-renewable term. Four of the Eight other Council Members are also elected each year at the Association’s annual meeting to serve for two-year terms (renewable only once consecutively). The President, with Council consent, makes interim appointments to fill any vacancies.
How are Officers and Council members selected for nomination?
The President designates and consults with past Presidents and other knowledgeable Association members to obtain recommendations for candidates for nomination. Insofar as possible, nominations strive to reflect a balanced recognition of achievement in the discipline and service to the Association, and to equitably represent the diversity of the Association in all pertinent respects including the different parts of the New England region and the major fields of the discipline. The nominations are presented at the annual meeting of the Association for vote of the membership; nominations may also be made from the floor.
How is the Program for each Annual Meeting determined?
The Call for Papers is sent out in the early Fall; NEPSA welcomes participation by faculty members and by graduate students in doctoral programs. A Program Chair is, or Co-Program Chairs are, appointed (or re-appointed) by the President to administer the overall program and its implementation at the annual meeting. Section Chairs are appointed by the President or, at the President’s discretion, by the Program Chair(s). Section Chairs typically have broad responsibility for shaping the panels within their section.